LeitnerHeadsets.com Font Style Guide

    Use this guide as the definitive source of how we ALWAYS use fonts for new and existing pages on the website.

    Note on font leading: Each font will use 1.4 line height as the standard font leading 99% of the time

    Home Page

    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 56px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Background Color: #787878
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 16px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Background Color: #20836a
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 18px
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 28px
    • Font Weight: 600
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Background Color: #20836a
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • Background is transparent on hover
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 24px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Background Color: #000000
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 16px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2dbc98
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Background Color: #000000
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 16px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Background Color: #232020
    • Font Decoration: 0.5

    Product Page

    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 30px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #4375b6
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 22px
    • Font Weight: 600
    • Font Color: #4375b6
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 17px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Font Decoration: underline
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 14px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 700
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Background Color: #ececec
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 14px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 14px
    • Font Weight: bold
    • Font Color: #4375b6
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Font weight is normal when not selected
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Background Color: #20836a
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • BG color and font color swap on hover
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #4375b6
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Text Transform: uppercase
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 18px
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1.5px
    • Text underline on hover. Opacity of 0.5 for non-active headers


    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 40px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 17px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 14px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 0px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 14px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d

    Misc Pages

    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 40px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 28px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 1px
    • Background Color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 18px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 18px
    • Font Weight: 400
    • Font Color: #20836a
    • Letter Spacing: 0.5px
    • Text underlines on hover


    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 16px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #2d2d2d
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Font Family: Jost
    • Font Size: 12px
    • Font Weight: 500
    • Font Color: #ffffff
    • Letter Spacing: 2px
    • Background Color: #4375b6